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English: Credit and Debt in Ho Chi Minh City Sex Industry
This study examines indebtedness and moneylending in the lives of sex workers. It locates indebtedness in broader issues such as internal migration, financial exclusion and the reliance on informal finance to get by, the grip of moneylending practices in labor sectors, moral narratives on ‘evil’ usurers, and rapidly rising household debt in Vietnam

Francais: Prostitution dans le monde
5em rapport mondial sur l’état de la prostitution dans le monde.

English: World report on sexual exploitation
5th worldwide report of the SCELLES Foundation.

English: UK Home Office report
Evaluation by the UK Home Office Ministry about the anti-trafficking state and development in Vietnam. 2019

Edition number III.
Due to their unique living environment and social relations, young girls who are the
daughters and sisters of women involved in prostitution face a higher risk of sexual abuse, early sex debut and sex trafficking. A small portion of this group has been identified as having a very high-risk group of contracting HIV/AIDS because their mothers happen to engage in prostitution and have HIV.

Edition number IV.
Due to their unique living environment and social relations, young girls who are the
daughters and sisters of women involved in prostitution face a higher risk of sexual abuse, early sex debut and sex trafficking. A small portion of this group has been identified as having a very high-risk group of contracting HIV/AIDS because their mothers happen to engage in prostitution and have HIV.

English: En route to the United Kingdom
A field survey of Vietnamese migrant. Cooperation with IRASEC, France Terre D’Asile and Alliance Anti Trafic.

En route vers le Royaume-Uni
Enquête de terrain auprès des migrants Vietnamiens. En coopération avec IRASEC, France Terre d’Asile et Alliance Anti Trafic

15 years of action against human trafficking and sexual exploitation
Retrospective letter about AAT Vietnam and its role on the fight agains human trafficking.

Reproductive Health and risk prevention education for minors
A survey about the need of sexual education for children.

Where Dreams Bloom 2015
Edition number I.
A collection of stories shared by the beneficiaries of the program. This is to record the start of their journey to realize their future.

Where Dreams Bloom 2017
Edition number II
“Where Dreams Bloom” will be updated every year to share about the progress the children make and to integrate our new flowers in the program.

Exploitation ou accord gagnant-gagnant ?
Le lien de dette dans la migration informelle des prostituées Vietnamienne à Singapour.

Mobilité prostitutionelle et représentations
Le cas des prostituées Vietnamiennes D’An Giang vers le Cambodge (1)

La vente de la virginité chez les Vietnamiens du Cambodge
Une stratégie familliale d’avancement économique

Par-delà la traite des femmes vietnamiennes en Asie du Sud-Est. Anthropologie économique des carrières intimes
Thèse pour l’obtention du titre du Doctorat nouveau Régime en « Ethnologie et anthropologie sociale » de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales

Report and analysis of 140 Vietnamese returned from the United Kingdom.
The research was conducted in the context that the number of illegal Vietnamese migrants in the UK engaging in illicit activities such as cannabis growing tends to increase.
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