The heart of Alliance Anti Trafic
“An organization created by peers”

Regarding the 10 persons who participated to the creation of AAT:
All come from different countries, have a different culture and education, have different origins and a different kind of life. Except for one, all of us faced a difficult life experience during childhood and faced important social difficulties. Some of us come from the French social services (DDAS) as the president of AAT. He was a “Street Child” before entering a children social center at 11 years old.
AAT was originally created by peers, by persons who have a past on social difficulties, coming from socially disadvantaged families or from government social centers for children or camps for rehabilitation in Asia. The majority of us was forced to become adult before the normal age and was forced to work hardly when they were children to survive.
All organizations or companies in the world began with an individual or a collective initiative. In all cases, one person is at the origin of the gathering of a group, and concerning AAT it was Georges Blanchard to initiate the creation of AAT.
The mission is to offer the same chance and support we received to other persons and all of us believe that as former beneficiaries, we can provide better and more realistic support than usually provided and also develop the context where beneficiaries come from: Government, laws, mechanisms, etc. We also have the objective to extend AAT to persons who have a similar point of view, to former beneficiaries and also to technicians.